Estate Planning
In the area of estate planning, Brown & Knight LLC offers a wide range of services to its clients, from simple wills to succession planning for family businesses and complex estate plans for high net worth individuals with multi-national holdings and/or residency. The attorneys work closely with other professional advisors, including financial planners and accountants, to develop the most effective and practical estate plan for each client. Each plan is tailored to the specific needs of that particular client. In formulating an estate plan, lawyers consider not only the tax ramifications, but also the practical implications of the proposed plan. Our attorneys counsel clients regarding asset freezing techniques, gift giving programs, trusts, testamentary planning and closely-held business succession. We establish planning vehicles such as family limited partnerships, qualified personal resident trusts, grantor retained annuity/income trusts and charitable lead/remainder trusts. In addition, our post-mortem planning expertise can produce considerable tax savings and probate cost-reduction when lifetime planning has been incomplete or inadequate.
Our goal is to thoroughly educate our clients to enable them to make an informed decision with regard to the most efficient plan for them.